SOFT TARGETS Preorders and Release Party info

SOFT TARGETS, our first release with the “Rising King of Weird Horror”**, Carson Winter, is out March 22nd and available to preorder now!

**We didn’t call him that, and he didn’t call himself that; the important thing is, somebody called him that, and we’re more than happy to milk it.

You can preorder print copies (eBook included) here; eBook-only preorders are available here.

And we’re gonna be having a release party in a couple weeks to celebrate!

SOFT TARGETS Release Party

Sunday, March 19th, 7pm-??

Rose City Book Pub

1329 NE Fremont St.

Portland Oregon 97212

Food and drinks will be available to purchase; we’ll have copies of SOFT TARGETS (and other Tenebrous titles) for sale, and of course author Carson Winter—along with ST cover artist Blacky Shepherd and author Danger Slater, whose novella HOUSE OF ROT we’ll be releasing this June!— will be on hand to chat, answer questions, read some selections, and tell you all about the solemn burdens of wearing the Rising King of Weird Horror™ crown.

So, if you’re in the Portland area, come say hi. It’ll be Weird. It’ll be New. It’ll be Tenebrous.

And preorder SOFT TARGETS.

Meet the BRAVE NEW WEIRDOS #14: jonah wu

The final author willing to submit themselves to my rugged, non-award-winning line of questioning has arrived at last! Today I got a chance to speak with jonah wu, author of the BRAVE NEW WEIRD story, “There is No Easy Way Towards Earth”, which made me cry a whole bunch because I’m not-so-secretly a great big softie.

These responses have been edited for clarity.


I’m going to pull back the curtain a bit and tell you what I told [BNW editor & Tenebrous co-honcho] Alex Woodroe about “There is No Easy Way Towards Earth: 

“I’ve read it three times now and I still can’t summarize what the hell is going on narratively, but it’s made me bawl each time.” 

So, y’know, thanks for that. 

But now it’s your turn to pull back the curtain: tell me a little more about the themes you’re exploring here.

Haha, I'm honored to hear that (I think?!) Something that the story is lacking context for is that it's part of the Los Suelos anthology—a fantastic mixed media project that many fabulous writers, artists, and musicians collaborated on. All of the works in the anthology take place in the fictional rural town of Los Suelos, California, beset by a curious plague that causes the afflicted to become obsessed with digging; and by a cult that has sprung up around a religious explanation for this plague; so these aspects are playing in the background of my story.

I wrote "There is No Easy Way Towards Earth" when I first started coming into and accepting my own transmasculinity, and that came with a lot of complicated feelings. There was clarity, of course, but also fear. As an Asian American, there's already the experience of being the "perpetual outsider" in a Western country, and it's compounded when you come out as queer/trans. You can't fit into polite, genteel society if you try—and I don't think you should; but it can be painful and lonely regardless, especially if you are rejected by your loved ones, if the people you trust the most in the world see your transition as a betrayal. I am someone who's almost catatonically allergic to confrontation—a weakness I'm working on overcoming—and I tend to run away a lot; which is why, at the beginning of the story, we find Terrence running away from having done something unspeakable, perhaps unforgivable.

During this time, I had to think about how to broach the topic of transness with my family. I'd been living a double life as a queer person for quite some time, but medically transitioning is not something I can hide, so it made me face some old memories and relationships I'd been trying to avoid. Inevitably, I started thinking about my maternal grandfather (whom, like Terrence, I called A-gong). I'd been very close with him during my childhood, but we lost contact with each other after he moved back to China, and he passed away before I was really able to tell him about who I was. I've always regretted that, but there was also a part of me that was afraid of what his reaction would be—if he would reject me like others would, if he thought my current life trajectory was a disappointment because of the promise he saw in me as a child. He was a kind and generous man so I really don't think that would've been the case, but fear is irrational, and sometimes it lies in the doubt, the unknowing.

The most obvious manifestation of my fears in "There is No Easy Way Towards Earth" is, of course, the scene where Terrence has to go to the bathroom. I'm still scared of going to the men's room, to be honest—I don't believe in passing, but I don't "pass," and I'm already an anxious sort, so my brain races through the various horrific thoughts of, they'll discover me, they'll find me out for the imposter I am, etc. Which I think ties together the central thread running throughout the story: Terrence as the perpetual outsider, as an "imposter" of a kind with his fake ID (even though that's his true self), getting eaten away by a place he can't escape from. There's a metaphor for the lived experience of a trans person of color in America in there somewhere; but on a more general level, maybe it's a story about how you can never truly outrun your past.

You’re the Editor in Chief of eggplant tears, an online magazine exploring transmasculinity through prose, poetry, essay and art. Your first issue is out now and free to read. What are your long-term publication plans and goals for eggplant tears?

Quite simply, I think the long-term goal is just to publish as much work as we can! There's always a dearth of readily-available information about the trans experience, even though there are so many of us out there, and so many of us who are creating beautiful, desperately necessary work. I was joking with a friend once that the best and most accurate information about medical transition is located in several crowd-sourced Google Docs that you can only find linked in Reddit or Twitter threads—but I think this is part of the problem here, that so many of our stories aren't taken seriously by the establishments and institutions making the rules that affect our lives. 

I am transmasculine, so I'm biased—specifically, I want to see more transmasculine work in the world, I want to know what it's like for people like me, even if our experiences don't match up exactly. In particular, I thought it was necessary to provide transmasculine folks a way to be communal with each other. There is a misguided sentiment some people hold that we "transition into privilege/patriarchy" so we don't need as much support as other queer/trans folks, but that's absolutely untrue. Everyone deserves community, especially those doing something as monumental as deviating from mainstream society's accepted norms. I wanted to do my part and create a place where that community could thrive. eggplant tears is a drop in the sea of noise, but I hope that, in its small way, it provides a mirror, or at least a scrap drawer of notes collected by a bunch of oddballs who love you.

What does your writing routine look like? Do you have an office? A preferred coffee shop? The back of the bus? Standing under your neighbor’s eaves, avoiding the rain?

I'm one of those dreaded creatures of anti-habit who needs to mix up their routine when they get bored, so I don't have one set in stone, and the ones I do fall into come about in random fashion. Recently my writing routine has been to walk a mile to one of my neighborhood cafes (because I've got to get those daily steps in) on a Saturday night, and working on drafts or revisions while I sip on an evening cappuccino. I've been enjoying going on Saturday nights in particular because the streets are lively and exciting to walk through, but the cafe itself is quiet, visited only by industrious students or groups of friends looking for a chill hangout spot. 

What does “Weird” mean to you, in the context of storytelling? And what creators/experiences helped sculpt this definition?

To me, "Weird" tends to mean something that feels a bit "off," but can't necessarily be explained by the story. A sense of unease, perhaps, even when there isn't anything wrong or terrible happening on the surface. I love it when a storyteller makes me traverse unsteady ground in a narrative or world that they've built. I read a lot of Haruki Murakami and Theater of the Absurd when growing up, and I think you can see how those have influenced my definition.


On the Tenebrous Discord, we ask everyone to introduce themselves as a Film-meets-Music Artist. It doesn’t have to be your favorite, and don’t spend too much time overthinking it; now GO.

In the Mood for Love x Lady Gaga. I promise it makes sense (somehow).


BRAVE NEW WEIRD: The Best New Weird Horror, Vol. One, is out February 6th. Preorder it here.

Meet the BRAVE NEW WEIRDOS #13: Tania Chen

Tania Chen is a Chinese-Mexican queer writer whose work tends to encompass themes of identity, horror and death; in other words, themes that land right in the Tenebrous wheelhouse. Tania’s piece for BRAVE NEW WEIRD, “En el Patio de la Casa del Callejón”, is brief, graceful and enigmatic; I got a chance to speak with the author about it and more.

These responses have been edited for clarity.


“En el Patio de la Casa del Callejón” is one of the shorter pieces in BNW, but it brims with evocative prose and some truly Weird structural conceits. What informed this piece? (...yes this is a ‘where did you get the idea’ question; sorry ‘bout that).

I love Weird structures, playing with line breaks and odd punctuations, changing POV, and anything else. My first drafts tend to be poetry-prose at times rather than prose-prose, though I have tried to stop doing that. It means less editing on my second pass! Although, now I’m considering just leaning more into it; Baffling Magazine publishing this story and then having the honor of it being picked for BRAVE NEW WEIRD has given me confidence to continue being WEIRD.

“El Patio de la Casa del Callejón” started out as a prose poem and grew from there. I wanted to do mermaids in a different sort of scenario. I kept part of the more poem-like things too because I wanted something different. 

For the general story, I remembered that as a child I visited a house with a fountain in the patio, the foliage around it was dense and it was full of dead leaves. It is a very vivid childhood memory because the place frightened me. I was there again recently and it still evoked a lot of anxiety but also awe. It’s a beautiful and eerie place.

What does your writing routine/setup look like? Do you have an office? A preferred coffee shop? The back of the bus? Standing under your neighbor’s eaves, avoiding the rain?

Ideally? A coffee shop, although with the pandemic this is a rare occurrence. I wish I had a set time and place but really I’m just kind of chaotic. Although I do try to write once a day, even if it is just a scribbled sentence. 

My one other particular habit is that I use notebooks constantly; most of my stories are half-drafted on paper before I type them up. Aside from this, I need a lot of solitude to write but that doesn’t mean being alone. Sometimes it is sitting in a shared space with strangers drinking coffee; at others it is sitting at home on a Zoom call with fellow writers just vibing together.

What does “Weird” mean to you, in the context of storytelling? And what creators/experiences helped sculpt this definition?

I feel that “Weird” is a very broad definition; for me it is anything I am not expecting from a traditional narrative or style. It doesn’t seem to have a clear pattern but sometimes when I read something I just know it is pinging all my “Weird” buttons. 

When I was younger, E.E. Cummings was always interesting to me because of his use of grammar and punctuation. Later on, Annihilation was formative because of the prose lyricism. For unusual formats, House of Leaves made for such an interesting reading challenge. Cassandra Khaw’s Hammer on Bones is weird and beautiful and visceral. 

More recently, Joe Koch’s work has been very inspiring, “All the Rapes in the Museum” in the Stories of the Eye anthology haunts me. Also, Nelly Geraldine García-Rosas’ story in Nightmare—“Still Life with Vial of Blood”—has a very weird epistolary style which I love. I’m also a huge fan of Jordan Shively; he does Weird Weird so well, my jaw drops a lot when reading his work! 

On the Tenebrous Discord, we ask everyone to introduce themselves as a Film-meets-Music Artist. It doesn’t have to be your favorite, and don’t spend too much time overthinking it; now GO.

Alien x Florence and the Machine.

What’s the Weirdest thing that’s ever happened to you (that you’re comfortable sharing)?

Maybe not too weird but last year I was using one of those apps to record sleep patterns. Some of those tend to record sounds during the night, and well…one of those playback recordings had a voice, a male voice whispering something. Not sure what, I saved the recording somewhere but I haven’t used the app since, whatever is in that room, I am not fucking with it. 

Congratulations on your acceptance into fellow Brave New Weirdo Jolie Toomajan’s upcoming anthology, Aseptic and Faintly Sadistic, forthcoming from Cosmic Horror Monthly. What else is on your plate for 2023?

Thank you! That is also another Weird Weird story. I also have something cooking (ehehehe) for early January with Deathcap & Hemlock. Aside from that, I am hoping to revise my novella, and start either a new novella or a poetry collection—I’m putting it out here to hold myself accountable!

Brave New Weird: The Best New Weird Horror, Volume One, is out February 6th. Preorder here.

Meet the BRAVE NEW WEIRDOS #12: Warren Benedetto

“I do most of my writing sitting outside by the pool whenever possible.” As I sit through another Portland winter, defined by incessant rain, gray skies, and the occasional ice storm, I hate Warren Benedetto thoroughly.

But only for that pool crack, mind; because in all other ways Warren seems like a pretty great guy. And we certainly can’t hate on “Blame”, his BRAVE NEW WEIRD contribution that puts a ghastly spin on workplace dynamics and communications.

I chatted with Warren about it before drowning him in his own pool, the fucker. Write about that, smart guy.

These responses have been edited for clarity.


“Blame” is told in an epistolary style of interoffice communications, and I gotta say: it’s a little bit too convincing. I’m going out on a limb and guessing you’ve got some experience in this department?

Yeah, I’ve spent most of my non-writing career in various roles at the intersection between entertainment and technology, so I’m very familiar with the culture of tech companies, as well as with technology itself. With “Blame”, I wanted to write a “found footage” story that was more than just obvious stuff like emails and chat logs, so I leaned on my experience as a software developer to pull in things like code snippets, git commits, command line interfaces, and other forms of digital breadcrumbs that might make the story more interesting.

The idea for “Blame” actually came from a software command: git blame. Git is a version control system that tracks code changes, and git blame allows someone to see who modified a specific line of code. That made me wonder: what if you ran git blame and it told you the code was changed by someone who was dead…after they died? The final story ended up being a bit more complicated than that, but the seed of that original idea is still there.

This is speaking out of class a bit, but you and I recently spoke about short story collections; and specifically the theme of Revenge, particularly in your work. Why do you think this is so prevalent in what you write?

I wish I knew. I never even noticed it until I started compiling my collection. I had asked some other writers how they decided which stories to include in their own collections, and they suggested trying to find a common theme across all the stories. That was a distressing answer, because I didn’t think my stories had anything in common. However, when I examined them all together, I realized that many dealt either with the main character getting some kind of revenge, or a person getting some sort of comeuppance for something terrible they had done. 

I’m completely retconning this because you asked, but I think it may be because I have a pretty strong sense of right and wrong, and a powerful desire for moral justice. It makes me angry to see someone being treated unfairly or unequally. I hate bullies. I hate hypocrites. I hate liars. I hate bigots. And I really hate when those kinds of people get away with being awful. A lot of the stories I ended up choosing for the collection put power back in the hands of people who are abused, or marginalized, or diminished in some way. Either that, or “the universe” handles it for them, restoring the cosmic balance of right and wrong by making sure the bad people get what’s coming to them. If only real life could be so satisfying…

What does your writing routine/setup look like? Do you have an office? A preferred coffee shop? The back of the bus? Standing under your neighbor’s eaves, avoiding the rain?

Although I do have an office in my house, I’m fortunate enough to live in Southern California, where the weather is basically perfect all year round. Therefore, I do most of my writing sitting outside by the pool whenever possible. I’m nocturnal, so my routine is to work my day job until around 6:30 PM, eat dinner, then take a nap for about an hour. Then I chug a big glass of Diet Mountain Dew and write from 10 PM until 2 AM. On the weekends, I might squeeze in a few extra hours of writing in the afternoon, after a morning of yard work and, of course, a nap. 

What does “Weird” mean to you, in the context of storytelling? And what creators/experiences helped sculpt this definition?

For me, “Weird” means taking an ordinary situation and introducing an element of the unusual, the surprising, the unsettling, or even the absurd. I think what differentiates the Weird from other forms of horror fiction is that the world of a Weird story is just off, without any clear indication as to why. For example, in my story “The Salt Circle”, the main character turns into a slug every morning at 8 AM. Or in “The Man Who Ate the Road”, the main character encounters a man who is literally eating the road. The stories aren’t horror in a traditional sense, but the situations can certainly be horrifying. 

On the Tenebrous Discord, we ask everyone to introduce themselves as a Film-meets-Music Artist. It doesn’t have to be your favorite, and don’t spend too much time overthinking it; now GO.

I think I introduced myself as Rage Against The Machine x The Money Pit

What’s the Weirdest thing—capital W—that’s ever happened to you? You live in (or near?) Los Angeles; you’ve poked your head into a variety of creative industries. I’m sure you have stories.

I lived in Los Angeles for many years; now I live in Orange County, which is just south of L.A. The weirdest thing that ever happened to me happened when we first moved down to Orange County. We had just moved into a new rental house, and it was surprisingly cheap for the size and location. When I asked the real estate agent why, he explained that the previous owner had died in the house. I know, it’s the most cliché setup of all time, but it’s true. It was a peaceful death—the guy had died in his sleep—but it was still a little creepy. 

The place was a two-story house, a first for us. My son, who was three at the time, was prone to sleepwalking, so we were nervous that he would sleepwalk in the middle of the night and would fall down the stairs. One night, I had just dozed off when I heard footsteps running down the hall toward our bedroom, followed by someone rattling the handle of our bedroom door. Worried that my son was sleepwalking, I jumped out of bed, ran to the door, and saw…nothing. There was nobody there.

I called his name. No answer. I walked down the hall to his room. The door was fully closed. I quietly opened it and peeked in. He was in bed, under the covers, sound asleep. I called his name and even tried to shake him awake, but he was out cold. 

Maybe my daughter had been the one running down the hall? I checked her room. Same thing: door closed, sound asleep. I was starting to get freaked out, so I tip-toed downstairs and checked the rest of the house, inspecting doors and windows as I went. Everything was locked up. All was quiet.

Finally, I went back to bed. I decided that I must have dreamed the footsteps and the rattling door handle. There was no other logical explanation. Just as I rolled over to go back to sleep, the sound happened again. Heavy footsteps ran down the hall toward my bedroom door. This time, the door handle didn’t rattle. Instead, something full-on crashed into the door. It almost gave me a heart attack. I jumped up, sprinted to the door, tore it open, and…nothing. 

Despite being a horror writer, I don’t actually believe in the supernatural. But that night I truly started to think there was something otherworldly going on. After all, a guy had died in the house, in the exact room where I was now staying. What other explanation could there be?

I searched the house again, but there was nothing out of the ordinary. Finally, I went back to bed and eventually I fell asleep. Nothing like that ever happened again. 

Until exactly one year later.

Literally one year to the day after the incident, the exact same thing happened again: heavy footsteps running down the hall, ending with something crashing into the bedroom doors. It happened two or three times over the course of a few minutes, then stopped. The next year, the same thing happened. And the year after that. Always during the middle of August.

Finally, I decided to post about the incident on Facebook to see if anyone knew what the hell could be going on. One of my work colleagues who had grown up in the area responded, “Oh, that’s just the bombing at Camp Pendleton.”

It turns out that every year in August, the Marines do test bombing runs at the military base about 40 miles south of where we lived. The shockwaves from the bombs travel up the coast through the canyons—they can be heard throughout Orange County. What I heard as heavy footsteps was actually the thudding of a series of bombs exploding in quick succession. The crashing into the bedroom doors was caused by the shockwave from the explosions changing the air pressure in the house, which caused the doors to slam in and out. It turned out to be a perfectly normal explanation. Nothing supernatural at all.

Now, if only someone could explain the blood running from the faucets in the bathroom.


BRAVE NEW WEIRD: The Best New Weird Horror Volume One is out February 6th. Preorder it here.